Developmental Evaluations

Toddler looking up on all foursWe are available to see children to help clarify developmental concerns. Referrals come from primary care providers, therapists, parents, schools and Early Intervention. Our specialists have extensive experience and know resources in our region. The reason for referral may be one of body control, learning, language or socialization. We also see children who may have a genetic problem or a possible birth defect.

Newborn Follow-up Program

Children and families who graduate from the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Albany Medical Center, St. Peter’s Hospital and Bellevue Hospital are followed by our team of developmental pediatricians and nurses for any concerns about development in the early years of their life. We are happy also to see an infant from any other hospital where there is some concern about development. We collaborate with county Early Intervention Programs and help parents to understand any developmental changes they might encounter as their child grows.

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Our staff has extensive professional experience in the field of autistic spectrum disorders to provide diagnostic assessment and parent counseling. We collaborate with the staff from the Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (CARD) on comprehensive assessments. We also provide testing documentation for families needing specific testing for OPWDD.

Adoption Assessment Program

We recognize that the adoption process can be long and emotionally intense. Our extensive experience in pediatrics and child development enables us to help pre-adoptive parents especially in health, developmental and behavioral concerns. We are happy to meet with prospective parents at any time to assist with their adoption plans. We can also provide the same range of services for post-adoptive families and link parents to the resources they need, while maintaining close communication with the child’s primary care provider.