Our practitioners consist of experienced developmental pediatricians, a physician assistant, nurse practitioner, clinical nurse specialists, and testing specialists. Some have been involved in the care of special needs children for over 35 years and have treated children with developmental issues that are both common and rare. Our office staff are pleased to work with families and provide positive experiences. We strive to help parents and families with all of their questions and concerns.

Developmental Pediatricians

Developmental Pediatricians are physicians fully trained in pediatrics and have additional training and experience in the field of developmental disabilities. This training typically includes the areas of human development, psychiatry, genetics and rehabilitation.

Developmental Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants

Developmental Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants are Masters-level trained clinicians that have additional training in developmental disabilities. They bring these advanced skills to the diagnosis and treatment of special needs children.

Developmental Nurse Clinicians

Developmental Nurse Clinicians are pediatric nurses who have additional training and experience in developmental disabilities.

Masters-Level Testing Specialists

Masters-Level Testing Specialists are individuals trained in testing psychology and can administer a wide range of developmental and psychologic evaluations.

Janet Appe, MS is a certified school psychologist specializing in the assessment of children ages 2 to 21 in the areas of autism spectrum disorder, attention disorders, developmental delays and intellectual disability. Janet works with our school-age patients where appropriate.